How to be a Successful Marketer?
"Marketing’ word is familiar to us But when combined with the word ‘successful‘ i.e., Successful Marketing It just boosts up our morale… Isn’t it? Being a vast field Marketing hasn’t yet understood Or sometimes, we just assume it. So, What are the fundamentals of the law of marketing? Before we dive deep, Let’s look at Google for its marketing What do you say? D oes Google need to do marketing anymore Or they are just enjoying something called “Branding” How? It’s a performance of targeted marketing that has helped them to build up what they are today! So, What is marketing in business ? ' Marketing for a business is the processes of creating, communicating, exchanging, and delivering offers that have value for their target customers'. Well, not only about Marketing, Targeting or Branding, this article will going to knock over each and every aspect of Marketing, based on the practical application of everything. And if you are a student, fresher, mark...